Email Marketing Portfolio

My Core Email Marketing Tools

Case Study: Email Marketing for Instasmile


Instasmile was my first marketing role. As a Digital Marketing Executive, I was flung into the deep end amongst a variety of different marketing channels, however, my main responsibility was Email Marketing.

Instasmile is a clip-on veneer company that challenges that the modern dental industry by offering something more affordable. Their product could also be used as a temporary solution to a more long-term solution. 

Open Rates

During my early testing at Instasmile, I utilised assets that conveyed the message of the campaign within the asset itself. We were aware that many of our customers were using older mobile phones to access these emails, so we needed to deliver the key USP’s as early as possible. 

On top of this, I A/B tested email headings to drive open rates to an average of 19.8%.

Email 1

Click Through Rates

The next challenge for me was to drive better click-throughs. Again, knowing that our customers were using older mobile phones to access emails, I brought the ‘Start Your Smile Journey’ button above the fold.

By reducing the need to scroll down within the email and having the button above the fold, I managed to achieve a typical CTR of 2.2% – 2.5%, a high % for our industry.


The key challenge in driving revenue was to improve conversions. On top of offering exclusive email sign-up discounts, I noticed that the best emails for conversion included our ‘spread the cost’ messages as this allowed our 

One of these emails in particular saw a conversion rate of 11.3%. My other campaigns would see an average of 4.7%.

Email 2